Patient Referral


    The following is a patient referral form for Ark House. If the information for a required field is not available (NA) you may enter "NA" or a field compliant response (e.g. for the email). You will not be allowed to submit a referral with a required field blank.

    The calendar function for selecting dates does not work properly with Internet Explorer. You will have to type in the dates in Internet Explorer. It has been tested and works with Edge, Chrome, and FireFox.

    Required fields marked with an "*"

    Referral Date*: (mm/dd/yyyy)

    ======= PATIENT INFO =======

    Patient's Permanent Address* (Must be greater than 50 miles from Dallas):
    Street* :
    City* :
    ZIP* :

    Enter Patient Date of Birth:
    Birth Month:* (Month: 1 to 12)
    Birth Day.....:* (Day: 1 to 31)
    Birth Year....:* (Year: 1910 to 2040)

    Date Apartment Needed*: (mm/dd/yyyy)


    U.S. Citizen with a SSN*:

    [group Pt-ForNatl clear_on_hide]
    NOTE: All occupants in Ark House MUST be legal residents of the United States, there are NO exceptions!

    Foreign National Legal (Legally in the U.S.)?:
    Foreign Nationals MUST be in the U.S. legally with documents to reside in Ark House.


    The person identified should be the primary point of contact for Ark House completing the application process and during the time the patient and/or family is residing in Ark House. The PPOC may be the patient, a family member, or a caregiver staying with the patient.

    Relationship to Patient:

    ======= REFERRER INFO =======

    ALL adult occupants (18 years or older), including patient and all caregivers, must have an SSN and pass a criminal background check. Foreign Nationals MUST be in the U.S. legally with documents to reside in Ark House.
    Ark House is set up for two residents at a time, with provisions for occasional visitors. A sleeper sofa provides for two additional residents and occasional guests.
    After reviewing your inputs and assuring all required fields have an input, you may check the box below and then submit the referral. You will receive an email verifying its submittal to Ark House.

    Please review your inputs, check the box, and then press the "SUBMIT REFERRAL" button.
    After submitting, scroll down to see the submittal confirmation message.