Ark House Foundation
The nominal rental fee collected by Ark House covers just over half of the cost of maintaining an apartment. Thus, an important part of the Ark House Foundation’s work is raising money to meet the remaining operational costs.
Ark House Foundation (AHF) is an entirely volunteer organization with no paid staff and the AHF Board of Directors actively manages all aspects of fund raising. All funds received are dedicated to Ark House operating expenses.
As a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non profit, all contributions to the Ark House Foundation are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed under current IRS rulings.
Divert IRA Required Minimum Deduction to Charity and Avoid IRS Taxes
Money from an individual retirement account can be donated to charity. What’s more, if you’ve reached the age where you need to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your traditional IRAs, you can avoid paying taxes on them by donating that money to charity.
Donations from individuals, philanthropic organizations, foundation awards, fundraising events and corporate gifts help continue the work of Ark House. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Send donations to:
Ark House Foundation
P.O. Box 833656
Richardson, Texas 75083-3656
You may also donate by clicking the button below:

Corporate Support
The Ark House Foundation (AHF) accepts corporate contributions/grants an assures compliance with any expenditure requirements.
The AHF participates in the Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program and Amazon Smile.
- Tom Thumb grocery stores contribute to Ark House through the Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program. Please add number 11248 to your Tom Thumb Rewards card.
- Amazon contributes to the AHF through the Amazon Smile Program. Go to to set your charity selection to Ark House Foundation. Then shop at instead of The items available at will be the same as
Ark House
Subscribe to Ark House Communications
Occupancy Phone:
(972) 671-7144
Facebook: @ArkHouseDallas
Ark House Foundation
The Ark House Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization organized to provide operating funds for Ark House to support low cost housing for those undergoing long-term medical care in Dallas with no local residence. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to extent allowed by tax law. EIN: 75-2738896
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 833656
Richardson, TX 75083-3656
Our Alumni of Contributor Organizations
- Baylor Scott & White
- Baptist Foundation
- Carl B. And Florence E. King Foundation
- Chi Omega
- Community Foundation of West Texas
- Elizabeth L. and Russel F. Hallberg Foundation
- Employees of General Information Services and
- First United Methodist Church Richardson Communion Offering
- Former and current members of the Ark House Board
- Former Ark Sunday School Class members
- Former Ark House residents
- Frost Bank
- George and Faye Young Foundation
- Harry Bass Foundation
- Hendrickson Family Foundation
- Highland Park United Methodist Church
- High Ground Advisors
- Hoblitzelle Foundation
- IPS Advisors, Inc.
- Kahn Foundation
- Kozmetsky Family Foundation
- Lake Pointe Women’s Bible Studies
- Mc Kesson Foundation
- Medical City Hospital of Dallas
- Mimi Foley Memorial Fund
- Moody Foundation
- NAILBA Foundation
- National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
- North Texas Giving Day
- Park Cities Rotary Club
- Parkland Foundation
- Plus Foundation
- Presbyterian Hospital Foundation
- Richardson East Rotary
- Richardson Women’s Center
- Richardson Woman’s Club
- Women of St. Michael’s
- Zale Foundation
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